Monday, December 31, 2007

St. Sylvester

Wisconsin Edition of The Ohio Experiment: Feast of St. Sylvester
In the smallest of nutshells, Christmas in Wisconsin was nice - though as always, trips back to WI are packed full of trying to see as many people as we can in a short amount of time - if we weren't able to see you, it's not for a lack of wanting. Next time we're both in the state together, we're going to have a ginormous pot-luck and you'll all be invited!

Janet returned to OH on the 26th, and I remained to work (at Urban & Taylor, where I was formerly a paralegal) and to have out annual new year's celebration of midnight mass and dinner party afterwards (something that's been happening 7 for the past 8 years). Blog next week will follow about this tradition. As happy as I am to be here, I am excited to return home to Janet later this week.

As for school, it's nice to have a break, but until a day ago, it hasn't felt like vacation, with all the running around we were doing. My course load is the same next semester, with the addition of a Criminal Law course.
From Ohio - by way of Wisconsin - Happy Feast of St. Sylvester - and Happy New Years in advance.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ohio TRIVIA!!!!!

Here's one for you from Brian (who's taking a bit of a study break at the moment)

What happens Friday at noon?*

*note, there are many answers, but one correct answer...

Saturday, December 8, 2007

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