Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Time to assimilate!

So I've got 2 work days under my belt and I'm sure you're all anxious to hear about it! It's going well! I haven't been too busy, because I still don't really know much of anything. (My boss has been busy in meetings, so we haven't even been able to meet much.) I will have email access tomorrow though. And, good news, I don't ever have to postage again!!! They have a mail room. Although, dad assures me that when we're home for Christmas I can get my postaging fix by helping him. Everyone is really nice. I'm not super busy yet (because of the not knowing anything), but I can tell I will be. I go to Columbus for some training next week. I think I'll learn a lot in this position - I am already learning about the far-reaching impact of development on a campus. It's super interesting!

Today, I got my BuckID - this means I can now buy Ohio propaganda at a better rate and get sports tickets. And, some of the other offices at the school are seriously covered in Ohio stuff from floor to ceiling -- I might have to purchase a few items to fit in.

Thanks for all of your well wishes!!!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just wanted to say - even though we were here, we were thinking of all our family and friends at Thanksgiving! We had some of Brian's classmates over for a potluck dinner party, and did have a nice time. But we missed everyone!

In other news, I start my new job tomorrow! I'll be working at Ohio State University - Lima campus in the development office. It's a state school so the benefits are great! And, the staff in the office seemed really nice, so I'm excited to get more people interaction. And, I quit the retail job, because I wanted to keep my sanity.

Also, we got another car so I don't have to hitchhike to work. It's a white, '96 Chrysler Sebring LXI. It's in really great condition, and seems to be running okay. And, we got a pretty good deal on it.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Lots to talk about!!!

This weekend Tick and Janel came to visit! We ate lots of food and played lots of games. We played Settlers of Catan (everyone should really try this game!!), and Guitar Hero 3 and some other games. Apparently, we were too loud because our neighbor came down and said she could hear the bass in Guitar Hero. (Oops! But she vacuums at 6:00 a.m.) We also took a trip to show off Findlay and we took a little detour at Best Buy to demo a new video game coming out - Rock Band! It has a bass guitar, guitar, drums, and microphone and combines all these glorious things at once so you can play up to 4 players. Best Buy was missing a guitar, so only 3 of us could play at once. So we played twice with the boys both trying guitar and drums and I sang!! I sang in public everyone!!!! :) Thanks again to Tick and Janel for visiting!

In other news, I have 2 more interviews this week. One tomorrow for an accounting assistant at a factory and one Wednesday for a program assistant in the development department at Ohio State University - Lima Campus. I'm hoping the one on Wednesday goes particularly well. In addition to these interviews, I also got a part-time job! It's at Elder-Beerman (like a Younkers or Boston Store), and is only a sales associate position, but it's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick!

And lastly, worth mentioning - over the weekend the Badgers were vindicated for their loss to the nutty Buckeyes. The #1 ranking OSU team fell to Illinois.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

My new favorite internet video...

By an English animator called Simon Tofield and it is actually called 'Cat Man Do'. He works for an animation company called Tandem Films.


I've been promising some people bits and pieces of politics on the blog for a while, and here I go:

See this op-ed piece in the NY Times from NY Senator Schumer for a well written explanation why I disagree with WI Senators Feingold and Kohl for their disapproval of nomination of Judge Michael B. Mukasey for U.S. Attorney General.

Yes - this is one of those rare times that I agree with Bush 43rd. NPR has some good reporting on Judge Mukasey when he was announced as nominee, and my opinion hasn't changed since then (and I have to admit, that I am slightly surprised with Kohl on this one...)

Saturday, November 3, 2007

In the lion's den

Columbus this weekend...we didn't get ticket to the game, but we did go to a pub relatively close to the staduim, and Janet and I were the only fans clad in Wisconsin attire (we were with my friend Bill, who is a grad student at OSU.

WHAT A GAME - that is, if games only lasted three quarters. I actually started to believe that I'd walk through this pub from the back outdoor patio where we sat, passing two hundred CRAZED Buckeye fans, smiling clad in cardinal W's. Well, if you haven't seen the score of the Badger's game, sorry for the spoiler, but they (we) lost.

It was fun, and I only got heckled badly by one "fan", who was wearing his buckeye gear. He offered me a dollar for my Badgers hat, and I retorted he should keep his dollar, and buy five Buckeye hats. It was completely lost on him, and the "badgering" of the Badger fan didn't bother me so much, since OSU was favored to win.

The moral of the story - OSU fans are seriously, seriously, crazy!!! I vow not to assimilate, and will continue to be a Badger booster.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

employment difficulties....

I know everyone is anxious to hear that I've procured a job. Well, sorry to burst your bubble....not yet. I had a lot of leads and a couple really good interviews. I finally had a verbal offer, but every time I've gone in to their offices to talk through the offer something comes up. They wanted me to start today, but as of Tuesday, needed to wait on a final approval for the position before we could even go through the offer. So maybe one of my previous interviews will come through in the clutch.

On to happier news, this last weekend Brian and I went to an ONU produced one act play - Suddenly Last Summer by Tennessee Williams. They gave us student prices (even me!), so that was nice. I read the play in college, it's kind of disturbing, but it was pretty well done. And, Monday night we had some friends over for Monday night football because the Packers were on. I made very tasty cupcakes and if you visit, I'll make them for you too.

This weekend we're going out for our friend Austin's (from Malawi) birthday on Friday. Then we're going to Columbus for the Wisconsin/Ohio game with Bill & Melisa. And, don't worry, Brian's been studying a LOT, so he's due for a little fun, and he's back to the library on Sunday!

I will close with a parting shot of my little bundle of joy!