Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Catch up!

We're a little behind in our blogs, but have much to report! Two weekends ago, we had a great visit from Jeff & Mary! They arrived on Friday evening, and we had an activity packed weekend. We went to the Red Pig Inn for ribs and came back to our apartment for games galore!

Saturday, we went to Van Buren State Park for geo-cacheing. (If you're not familiar with it - it's kind of like a treasure hunt with a GPS!) We followed some trails around the park - they even have a horse camp with horse trails. To the left is Brian and Jeff finding a cache.

After some finds, we went to a corn maze. It was very educational and space themed with questions to find and answer throughout the maze, with stamps to find too. We also picked up some pumpkins for later. Here's an action shot of everyone writing down answers.

Then we went to ONU to show off the campus and to watch the Homecoming football game of 1L's. The game was a teensy bit boring, just because we didn't really know anyone playing, and Brian's section lost. :(

Then we headed home for pizza and pumpkin carving. Pumpkin carving was very fun, and messy! After that we played some more games and regrouped Sunday morning. Sunday morning we squeezed in a few more geocaches and then jeff and mary were off. Thanks for visiting guys!!

Sunday afternoon we went to Tiffin, to do some exploring (and really so I wouldn't get lost going to an interview.) An update on my employment situation - I've had several promising interviews in the last 2 weeks, so I'm hopeful. I particularly liked some of the people I met at Tiffin University and at Owens Community College. We'll see what pans out.

Another update coming soon about Brian's Fall Break. (I'm always on Break!)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What's in a name?

Is a Brisco by any other name still our dog? We often thought about trying to casually re-name our dog "Brisco" with something we like better, but similar enough so as not to freak him out, say if we started calling him "fred". Well, I've found it - from inspiration from one of my favorite blogs - Andrew Sullivan's Daily Dish - BROSCO - the gun-toting mascot of the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, helping Jewish children across America learn gun safety. Look out doggie, you may have a new name...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Weekend Last

It's catch-up time, and we're posting what we can to catch us up to date (just in time for a return trip to WI in three days!)

Last weekend we had a great occasion to return to Wisconsin - the baptism of our niece Grace's baptism, at which Brian was godfather. It was a lot of driving for a short weekend, but well worth it. We had a nice time, and it was good to see family for the first time since we moved, and awesome to meet Grace for the first time!!!

We also had the opportunity to enjoy the hospitality of our friends Tick (a.k.a. Jon) and Janel in Waukesha Saturday, and among other things got to play some of our favorite board games, Carcassonne and Settlers of Catan. We were also introduced to new games, nearly always an occurrence when we visit these two.

Thanks to Mom & Kevin and Tick & Janel for providing lodging during our visit. Later this week we'll blog about this weekend's visit by Jeff & Mary P. Stay tuned...

Friday, October 12, 2007

at the races...

Yes - this is delinquent, but we'll play catch-up with the blogging...

Two weekends ago Janet and I attended one of the marvelous activities ever to transpire at the Hancock County Fairgrounds - the Annual National Dachshund Races! Yes - "wiener dogs". They raced, people cheered, and the stakes were almost as low as the racers were to the ground.

All in all it was a fun time - the race itself took place in one of the event halls - otherwise known as a concrete barn. There were bleachers set up around the 25 foot raceway (sprint), and a stage on which a very annoying emcee announced the events, and made jokes that only he seemed to think were funny (and some double-entendres that would conservative censorship gurus to have been on fox news the following morning calling for his head - and honestly, we thought a few comments were a bit too risque for the children...)

Digressing, we stayed for the younglings - up until about 1 1/2 years old, and then saw the senior races. Very rarely would they just tear off from the starting blocks to their respective handlers, making for a competitive race. In reality, it was more like "dumb dogs walking around sniffing the astro turf seeking treats." It was highly entertaining though, however, pretty clear that the event, which I'd say garnered about 400 spectators, has outgrown it's facility, and there is a need to expand, perhaps next year have a jumbo-tron for better viewing capabilities.

Below is a video clip that shows some racing, for a second at least, from the beat vantage point I had with our digital camera!

This weekend we're graced with the presence of our friends Jeff & Mary, who are presently on their way to the Yuckeye State - oh, sorry - that's the Buckeye state (see Kevin, I'm still retaining my Badger heritage!!!!!)

Next blog - also retroactive - about last weekend's trip to Wisconsin for a visit with friends, family, and my goddaughter Grace's baptism!!!

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Every Thrsday monring the Dean of the law school has a continental breakfast out for the law school - pretty nice, huh? I think so too. Today I'm eating a cheese danish.

There - a blog - I'm under fire for not blogging in a while - and as Janet reminds me - it's my turn, because I have all the photos from the Daschund races.

So, tonight, there will be substantial blog material!


Wednesday, October 10, 2007


A new blog will be posted soon...