Monday, January 2, 2012

It's 2012 ~ Happy New Year!

Lots of stuff happened in 2011.

  • Met up with Brian in Rwanda - saw gorillas, the countryside, Kigali. 
  • Brian returned from Rwanda and started teaching.
  • We got to see Toronto.
  • Brian enrolled in Illinois.
  • Read 40 books in a book challenge with Angela M. (just barely)
  • Received the annual Dedicated Staff Award at work. (My name's on a plaque and everything.) 

Lots of stuff to happen in 2012.

  • More teaching is on the docket for Brian.
  • Brian to go to Kigali in March with the ABA.
  • Moving to a new rental house in May or June. (Just saw it last week, and we're very excited! It will have plenty of room for guest visits.)
  • Going to an ABA conference in Miami in the fall for Brian to present on the Kigali trip.
  • Brian will make significant progress on his next degree, and probably publish at some point during the year. (Well, cross your fingers. It's not like he won't have a lot of other things on the docket.)
  • Angela and I have upped our book challenge to 45 this year.  (Exciting times at the Andersons.)

Have to go start reading now.  Cheers to a new year!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy Advent!

After being taken out last week with horrible colds, we're finally feeling better. We made a very brief trek to Wisconsin for Thanksgiving with the families. (Thank you, families, for putting up with our whirlwind tour.) We were back in Ohio by Friday night. Brian spent a lot of the weekend doing some final prep work for class - he'll be done in 2 weeks or so. And, we put up the Christmas tree.   TA DA:

We also have some news to share that everyone may or may not have heard....
Brian is going to get his Masters in Library Science to become a law librarian. He was just accepted last week into the University of Illinois, which has the #1 library program in the country. He'll be starting one way or another in January, either on campus or online. (If on campus, only for a semester.) We'll have more details soon, when we get a handle on funding and all that jazz.

We'll keep you posted!